Exploring Terrorism Prevention: An Organizational Perspective on Police Investigations


Dosdall Henrik1ORCID,Löckmann Teresa2ORCID


1. Fachbereich Polizei , Thüringer Fachhochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung , Meiningen , Germany

2. Lehrstuhl für Organisations- und Verwaltungssoziologie , Universität Potsdam , Potsdam , Germany


Abstract The article analyzes the investigations conducted by the Berlin police into the subsequent perpetrator of the vehicle-ramming attack at a Berlin Christmas market on December 19, 2016. We explore why the police closed these investigations prematurely and thereby focus on an attempt to prevent lone actor terrorism. The analysis shows that the police closed its investigations owing to organizational dynamics driven by an increasing need to justify further resource investments in the face of absent conclusive evidence and scarce resources in relation to the organizational case ecology. We propose hypotheses for future research and formulate three contributions to existing research on the sociology of police, terrorism prevention, and lone actor research.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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