Self-Access Learning in Medical English (ME)


Pop Anişoara1,Paşcan Aurora1


1. University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu-Mureş


Abstract Individual learning is a pre-requisite of formal ME credit allocation in higher education (HE), albeit this may be hard to document and quantify. Edmodo-enhanced self-access learning can be customized to accommodate different learning styles, form basic learning skills and field-specific subskills, extend and expand the students’ medical language use, while also meeting the desiderata of independent curriculum-stipulated learning that can thus be exploited and demonstrated. The paper will reflect on the design of ME multimedia assignments as well as the quantitative and qualitative results, motivation and attitude of a group of medical students working on Edmodo self-access ME learning as part of a class research project for two years.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

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