1. [1] THE COLLINS WORD OF THE YEAR 2017 IS... FAKE NEWS: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/woty (last retrieved on 13 January 2018).
2. [2] Fake news: What exactly is it - and how can you spot it? - James Titcomb and James Carson: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/0/fake-news-exactly-has-really-hadinfluence/ (last retrieved on 12 March 2018).
3. [3] Фалшивите новини като бизнес модел и заплаха (Fake news as a business model and a threat): http://cio.bg/9102_falshivite_novini_kato_biznes_model_i_zaplaha (last retrieved on 18 February 2018).
4. [4] EU Commissioner Gabriel Launches Public Consultation on Fake News on November 13: http://www.bta.bg/en/c/DF/id/1688379 (last retrieved on 13 November 2017).
5. [5] European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel: Fake news stifle the media and society: http://www.aej-bulgaria.org/eng/p.php?post=2605&c=146&d=2017-12-04%2012:22:43&n=european-commissioner-mariya-gabriel-fake-news-stifle-the-mediaand-society (last retrieved on 4 December 2017).