Calculation of Derivatives in the Lp Spaces where 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞


Morozov Anatoly Nikolaevich1ORCID


1. P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University


It is well known in functional analysis that construction of \(k\)-order derivative in Sobolev space \(W_p^k\) can be performed by spreading the \(k\)-multiple differentiation operator from the space \(C^k.\) At the same time there is a definition of \((k,p)\)-differentiability of a function at an individual point based on the corresponding order of infinitesimal difference between the function and the approximating algebraic polynomial \(k\)-th degree in the neighborhood of this point on the norm of the space \(L_p\). The purpose of this article is to study the consistency of the operator and local derivative constructions and their direct calculation. The function \(f\in L_p[I], \;p>0,\) (for \(p=\infty\), we consider measurable functions bounded on the segment \(I\) ) is called \((k; p)\)-differentiable at a point \(x \in I\;\) if there exists an algebraic polynomial of \(\;\pi\) of degree no more than \(k\) for which holds \( \Vert f-\pi \Vert_{L_p[J_h]} = o(h^{k+\frac{1}{p}}), \) where \(\;J_h=[x_0-h; x_0+h]\cap I.\) At an internal point for \(k = 1\) and \(p = \infty\) this is equivalent to the usual definition of the function differentiability. The discussed concept was investigated and applied in the works of S. N. Bernshtein [1], A. P. Calderon and A. Sigmund [2]. The author's article [3] shows that uniform \((k, p)\)-differentiability of a function on the segment \(I\) for some \(\; p\ge 1\) is equivalent to belonging the function to the space \(C^k[I]\) (existence of an equivalent function in \(C^k[I]\)). In present article, integral-difference expressions are constructed for calculating generalized local derivatives of natural order in the space \(L_1\) (hence, in the spaces \(L_p,\; 1\le p\le \infty\)), and on their basis - sequences of piecewise constant functions subordinate to uniform partitions of the segment \(I\). It is shown that for the function \( f \) from the space  \( W_p^k \) the sequence piecewise constant functions defined by integral-difference \(k\)-th order expressions converges to  \( f^{(k)} \) on the norm of the space \( L_p[I].\) The constructions are algorithmic in nature and can be applied in numerical computer research of various differential models.


P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Polymers and Plastics,Business and International Management

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1. On Computational Constructions in Function Spaces;Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems;2023-04-28







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