1. National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine
The classification of drones - both military and civilian according to the relevant criteria - is presented. Block diagrams of a typical unmanned aerial vehicle and its power system are shown. Typically, a drone power system of the "micro", "mini" or "short range" category, according to the UVS international classification, is a set of DC / DC converters with a microprocessor control system. The power source for such aircraft is usually a battery, less often - fuel cells. During the flight, the engine speed is variable, and its change depends not only on changes in flight speed or direction, but also on weather conditions, such as wind, as the stabilization system constantly aligns the drone. This leads to the fact that the power supply system of such a device is actually a significant part of the time in transition condition. This leads to a significant content of the component of exchange energy that battery consumed which in turn will increase losses, and thus reduces the range of the unmanned aerial vehicle. The phenomenon of the occurrence of exchange power in the power supply systems of electric vehicles which powered from DC sources and specifically in the power supply system of an unmanned aerial vehicle is analyzed. The time diagrams of current, voltage, active and inactive components of power consumed from the mains power supply network of electric locomotive DE1 are illustrated. It can be seen that with a sharp change in the modes of operation of traction units there is a significant component of exchange power in the motor-network system. Such processes are typical for almost any electric vehicle and are associated with the presence of a significant number of reactive elements in the power supply systems, as well as frequent changes in load parameters. A block diagram of a typical unmanned aerial vehicle is presented. The unmanned aerial vehicle system consists of three parts: the air part, the unmanned aerial vehicle itself, the ground control station, which can be autonomous or manned, the control system, which provides communication and data transmission. The block diagram of the power system of a typical unmanned aerial vehicle is presented A simplified schematic diagram of the DC motor power supply system is presented. The relations for determining the amount of exchange power in the power supply system of an unmanned aerial vehicle are derived. It is concluded that to reduce the impact of this phenomenon, it is necessary to modify the power supply system by adding compensation units of inactive power component.
Kyiv Politechnic Institute