Renal Function following Fluorescein Angiography in Diabetic Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease


Ebrahimiadib Nazanin,Hadavand Mirzaei Shaghayegh,Riazi-Esfahani Hamid,Amini Manouchehr


Purpose: To evaluate the effect of fluorescein dye usage on renal function in patients with diabetic retinopathy (DR) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Methods: Diabetic patients with retinopathy who were candidate for fundus fluorescein angiography (FA) were evaluated for serum creatinine and urea levels within five days prior to performing the FA. Serum creatinine levels of 1.5 mg/dl or more in males and 1.4 mg/dl or more in females were both identified as CKD and were included in the study. An increase of 0.5 mg/dl or 25% in creatinine after FA was considered as contrast-induced acute kidney injury (AKI). Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was also calculated for all patients using a CKD-Epi formula. CKD grading was determined based on eGFR values. Results: Forty-two patients agreed to participate, of which 23 (54.8%) were male. Seventeen patients were identified with grade 3a or lower CKD, 12 with grade 3b, 11 with grade 4, and two with grade 5 CKD. Considering all grades of CKD, the mean blood urea before and after angiography was 58.48 ± 26.7 and 57 ± 27.81 mg/dl, respectively (P = 0.475). The mean serum creatinine before and after the test was 1.89 ± 1.04 and 1.87±0.99 mg/dl, respectively (P = 0.993). The mean eGFR before and after the test was 44.024 ± 23.5447 and 43.850 ± 21.8581 mL/min/1.73 m2 (P = 0.875). Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, FA does not seem to further deteriorate kidney function in patients with diabetic associated CKD.


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