1. K.D Dental College and Hospital, Mathura
Aim: To determine the clinical and radiographical success of pulpectomy treated teeth by comparing two different file systems using manual (K –file) and paediatric rotary file (Kedo-S).
Methods: Fifty subjects were selected for pulpectomy procedure in the age group of 3 to 6 years divided into two groups, group A(25 sample size) pulpectomy performed using k-file AND group B( 25 sample size) where the pedo rotary kedo-S file system was used. Follow-up was done at 3, 6 and 9 months. Both clinical as well as radiographic signs and symptoms were evaluated and analysed by using Fisher Exact –test..
Results: The success rate for clinical evaluation found to be 100% with Kedo-S rotary files whereas it was 92% using K-files. The success rate for radiographical evaluation found to be 100% using Kedo-S rotary files for both periapical and furcation radiolucency while 92% for the root resorption. In case of K- files, both periapical and furcation radiolucency was found to be 92% while 80% was root resorption after a 9 month follow-up. After statistical analysis of both the file systems at 3, 6 and 9 months follow-up, the findings came as insignificant(p>0.05).
Conclusion: Although the result of clinical and radiographical evaluation after respective follow-up was not that much clear by the present study but the success rate of pulpectomy treated cases was found to be 100% with Kedo-S pedo rotary file.
Keywords: Pulpectomy, K-files, Kedo-S files.
Indian Dental Association
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