Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The publication activity on the topic of the educational environment as a subject of worldview demarcation can be conditionally divided into three interrelated parts. The first concerns compensating for the deficit of philosophical understanding of the meaningful specificity of the educational environment. The works of A. Badiou, E. Grayling, and S. Žižek are devoted to this aspect. The second part of the publication activity on the topic of the educational environment is related to the personal factor. This aspect is highlighted in the works of M. Nusbaum, C. Taylor, and S. Feldman. The third part of the publication activity concerns the topic of the educational environment as a subject of worldview demarcation. In this regard, it is worth highlighting the research efforts of M. Bratko, H. Vaskivska, and R. Semenova.
The research objective. The criteriabased disclosure of the notion of “educational environment” through the prism of the fundamental vocation of education, its mission, vision, functional priorities, etc. becomes a priority.
The statement of basic material. A fundamental misunderstanding is related to the false stereotype that the personal paradigm is fundamentally incompatible with the utilitarian-pragmatic orientation of education - in fact, the opposite is true: it is the personal development that is the strategic resource that underpins capitalisation, both social and individual. The new paradigm of education needs a decisive and at the same time meaningful, balanced transition from narrow utilitarian-pragmatic goals of education to the fundamental humanistic goal of personal development as an imperative of human fulfillment.
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Reference28 articles.
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