Source Apportionment of Daily Fine Particulate Matter at Jefferson Street, Atlanta, GA, during Summer and Winter


Zheng Mei1,Cass Glen R.1,Ke Lin12,Wang Fu13,Schauer James J.4,Edgerton Eric S.5,Russell Armistead G.6


1. a School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences , Georgia Institute of Technology , Atlanta , GA , USA

2. b Department of Biological Science , California State University , Los Angeles , CA , USA

3. c East China University of Science and Technology , Shanghai , People’s Republic of China

4. d Environmental Chemistry and Technology Program, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene , University of Wisconsin-Madison , Madison , WI , USA

5. e Atmospheric Research & Analysis, Inc. , Cary , NC , USA

6. f School of Civil and Environmental Engineering , Georgia Institute of Technology , Atlanta , GA , USA


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