1. In-cylinder crank-angle-resolved imaging of fuel concentration in a firing spark-ignition engine using planar laser-induced fluorescence
2. Black , G. 2009 . The combustion chemistry of oxygenates: A computational modelling and experimental study. Doctoral dissertation, National University of Ireland, Galway .
3. Black , G. , Vanhove , G. , Bozzelli , J. , Curran , H.J. , El-Nahas , A. , and Simmie , J.M. 2006 .August.An experimental and modelling study of the combustion of ketones used as fuel tracers. WIPP, 31st Int. Symp. Comb., Heidelberg, Germany .
4. Ethylene pyrolysis and oxidation: A kinetic modeling study
5. Predictions of pressure and temperature effects upon radical addition and recombination reactions