1. Merleau-Ponty, M.La Phénoménologie de la perception, Gallimard, Paris 1936, hereafter abbreviated as PHP.
2. PHP, p. 9.
3. There may be historical as well as conceptual reasons for Merleau-Ponty's classification. The separation of psychology as a distinct discipline from philosophy was still a matter of considerable controversy, at the time of Merleau-Ponty's writing. As Ash, M. G. suggests in his impressive PhD thesisThe Emergence of Gestalt Theory: Experimental Psychology in Germany 1890–1920(Harvard, 1982) the Gestalt psychologists themselves who were the sources of inspiration of Merleau-Ponty believed the separation to be misconceived.
4. PHP, p. 10. N.B. AU translations from the French are mine.
5. PHP, p. 9.