1. 76/464/EEC: Council Directive of 4 May 1976 on Pollution Caused by Certain Dangerous Substances Discharged into the Aquatic Environment of Community “, Official Journal No. L129, 18/05/76, p.0023, Greek Special Edition, 15(01), Brussels, p.138 (1976)
2. 88/347/EEC: European Council Directive (16thJune 1988), modifying annex II of Directive 86/280/ECC concerning maximum values and quality levels for certain dangerous substances included in List I of the annex of Directive 76/464/EEC “. Diario Oficial de la Comunidad Europea, Number L 158. 25thJune, (1988)
3. 90/415/EEC: European Council Directive (27thJuly 1990), modifying annex II of Directive 86/280/ECC concerning maximum values and quality levels for certain dangerous substances included in List I of the annex of Directive 76/464/EEC “. Diario Oficial de la Comunidad Europea, Number L 291. 14thAugust, (1990)
4. The kinetics of Mn(II)-catalysed ozonation of oxalic acid in aqueous solution