1. Alphacrucis College. (2022). Who we are: AC history. https://www.ac.edu.au/about/history/
2. Alphacrucis University College. (2024a). About our story. https://www.ac.edu.au/about/our-story/
3. Alphacrucis University College. (2024b). Course handbook: Diploma of Business. https://d3nr8uzk0yq0qe.cloudfront.net/media/upload/documents/2023/February/DPB_Course_of_Study_Handbook_221222.pdf
4. Alphacrucis University College. (2024c). Code of conduct policy. https://www.ac.edu.au/ppm/code-conduct-policy/
5. Altbach, P. G., Reisberg, L. & Rumbley, L. (eds.). (2009). Trends in global higher education: Tracking an academic revolution. Boston College Center for International Higher Education.