1. F. Bordry: Power Converters for Particle Accelerators,” Power Electronics and Applications, 2005 European Conference on, P.1- P.30, September 2005.
2. F. Bordry, J-P Burnet, F. Voelker: CERN-PS Main Power Converter Renovation: How to Provide and Control the Large Flow of Energy for A Rapid Cycling Machine, Particle Accelerator Conference, PAC 2005. Proceedings of the, pp. 3612 - 3614, May 2005.
3. C. Fahrni: Principe d’alimentation par convertisseurs multiniveaux à stockage integré - Application aux accélérateurs de particules, Ph D Thesis, Nr. 4034, EPFL, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne Switzerland. http://biblion.epfl.ch/EPFL/the-ses/2008/4034/EPFL_TH4034.pdf
4. K. Kahle, D. Jovcic: Static VAR Compensator for CERN’s Proton Synchrotron Accelerator, CRIS2004 Securing Critical Infrastructure, Grenoble 2004
5. R. Gehring, K-P Juengst, G. Kuperman, F. Bordry, J-P Burnet, F. Voelker: A SMES based power supply for accelerator magnets, 19th conference on magnet technology, Genova 2005