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2. Ding, Xinping Qian, Zhaoming Yang, Shuitao Cui, Bin Peng, Fangzheng: A PID Control Strategy for DC-link Boost Voltage in Z-source Inverter, The Twenty Second Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC, pp. 1145–1148, 25 Feb. 1 March 2007.
3. M.J.; Rastegar Fatemi, S. Mirzakuchaki, S. Rastegar Fatemi: Wide-Range Control of Output Voltage in Z-Source Inverter by Neural Network, The International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, ICEMS, pp. 1653–1658, 17–20 Oct. 2008.
4. Miaosen Shen; Qingsong Tang; Peng, F.Z.: Modeling and Controller Design of the Z-Source Inverter with Inductive Load, The IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC, pp. 1804–1809, 2007.
5. Cheng Ruqi, Zhao Gengshen, Guo Tianyong, Zhao ergang, Zhao yao and Qi chao: Modeling and State Feedback Control of Z-source Inverter, The 2ndInternational Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Transportation System (PEITS), pp. 125–129, 19–20 Dec. 2009.