1. Austin, H. 1898. [At Mt. Elgon, 18 November.] CB/7/102. Royal Geographical Society with IBG, London (hereafter RGS-IBG).
2. Austin, H. 1899. [Letter from Sobat river, 20 December.] CB/7/102. RGS-IBG.
3. Austin, H. 1900a. Austin to John Scott Keltie [7 November]. CB/7/102. RGS-IBG.
4. Austin, H. 1900b. Major Austin, R.E., to Director of Surveys, Egyptian Army [Milo Talbot]. WO181/240. UK National Archives, Kew (hereafter UKNA).
5. Austin, H. 1900c. Report and diary of Sobat River survey 1900. 635/2. Sudan Archive, Durham University (hereafter SAD).