1. The Bad Seed: Mystical Experience and Time Travel in the Treatment of Psychopathy;Psychoanalytic Dialogues;2023-11-02
2. Further Thoughts on Consciousness, Mystical Experience, Character, and Clinical Process: Reply to Fox, Rundel, and Guss;Psychoanalytic Dialogues;2023-11-02
3. Reawakening Desire: Shame, Mourning, Analytic Love, and Psychoanalytic Imagination;Psychoanalytic Dialogues;2023-05-04
4. Revitalization, Growth, and Fabulous Functional Narcissism;Psychoanalysis, Self and Context;2022-02-28
5. The Bereaved Analyst: Vulnerability in The Intersubjective Field;Psychoanalysis, Self and Context;2022-01-02