1. TASK GROUP ON SAFETY MARGINS ACTION PLAN, “Safety Margins Action Plan—Final Report,” NEA/CSNI/R, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (2007).
2. Conceptual and computational basis for the quantification of margins and uncertainty.
3. M. PILCH, T. G. TRUCANO, and J. C. HELTON, “Ideas Underlying Quantification of Margins and Uncertainties (QMU): A White Paper,” SAND2006-5001, Sandia National Laboratories (Sep. 2006).
4. L. P. SWILER and A. A. GIUNTA, “Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainty Quantification for Engineering Applications” (Sandia Technical Report, SAND2007-2670C), Joint Statistical Meetings, Track “Methodological Issues in Engineering Applications of Computer Models: A SAMSI Program,” Salt Lake City, Utah, July 29–August 2, 2007.