1. Hunger of the Body and Hunger of the Mind: African American Women’s Perceptions of Food Insecurity, Health and Violence
2. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (2014) ‘Progress on women‘s rights: missing in action a shadow report on Canada's implementation of the Beijing declaration and platform for action prepared by a network of NGOs, trade unions and independent experts’,Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives: 1–88, https://www.policyalternatives.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/publications/National%20Office/2014/11/Progress_Women_Beijing20.pdf (last checked by the authors 30 March 2015)
3. Charlebois,Sylvain,Michael von Massow,Francis Tapon, Erna van Duren,Paul Uys,Warren Pinto, and Amit Summan (2015). The food price report. University of Guelph. https://www.uoguelph.ca/foodinstitute/system/files/Food%20Price%20Report%202015.pdf (last checked by the authors 21 April 2015)