1. Brown, M. J. 1997.Durio: a bibliographic review, 188New Delhi, India: International Plant Gene Resources Institute, Office for South Asia. (The entire book is available online:http://www.ipgri.cgiar.org/system/page.asp?theme=4
2. Durian flowering, pollination and incompatibility studies
3. Malo, S. E. and Martin, F. W. 1979.Cultivation of neglected tropical fruits with promise, 16Mayaguez, Puerto Rico: Mayaguez Institute of tropical Agriculture. Part 7, the durian
4. Morton, J. 1987.Durian. In Fruits of warm climates, Edited by: Morton, J. F. 287–291. Winterville, NC: Creative Resource Systems. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/durian_ars.html