1. Roland Barthes (1977) ‘The Death of the Author’, in Barthes,Image Music Text, trans Stephen Heath, Fontana.
2. Kathy Bowrey (1998) ‘Ethical Boundaries and Internet Cultures’, in L Bently and S Maniatis (eds),Intellectual Property and Ethics, Vol IV: Perspectives in Intellectual Property, Sweet & Maxwell.
3. Peter Drahos with John Braithwaite (2002)Information Feudalism: Who Owns the Knowledge Economy?Earthscan.
4. Philip Drake (2008) ‘Distribution Distribution and Marketing in Hollywood’, in J Wasko and P McDonald (eds),The Contemporary Hollywood Film Industry, Blackwell.
5. Harry Derbyshire (2001) ‘Pinter as Celebrity’, in Harold Raby (ed),A Companion Guide to Harold Pinter, Cambridge University Press.