1. Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edn, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.
2. A. Smith, An enquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations (1776), ed. A. Skinner, London: Penguin, 1986.
3. See, for example, D. Ricardo, Principles of political economy and taxation (1817), London: Prometheus Books, 1997; and J.S. Mill, Principles of political economy (1848), People's Edition, London: Longman, Green, 1876.
4. G. Rude, The crowd in history: a study of popular disturbances in France and England 1730-1848, London: Wiley, 1964.
5. E.P. Thompson, The moral economy of the English crowd in the eighteenth century', Past & Present, No. 50, February 1971, pp. 76-136.