1. Versuche und Bemerkungen über den Galvanismus der Voltaischen Batterie
2. XIII. Investigation of the powers of the prismatic colours to heat and illuminate objects; with remarks, that prove the different refrangibility of radiant heat. To which is added, an inquiry into the method of viewing the sun advantageously, with telescopes of large apertures and high magnifying powers
3. XIV. Experiments on the refrangibility of the invisible rays of the sun
4. Abo‐Bakr, M., Wüstefeld, G., Klein, R. and Ulm, G. 7th European Particle Accelerator Conference. Edited by: Mitaro, W. A., Petit‐Jean‐Genaz, C., Poole, J., Regler, M. and Laclare, J. L. pp.601–603. Geneva: European Physical Society.
5. Byrd, J. M., Baptiste, K. M., Barry, W. C., Benjegerdes, R. J., Biocca, A. K., Byrne, W. E., Cambie, D., Chin, M. J., Harkins, J. P.Jung, J. Y. 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference. Edited by: Mitaro, W. A., Petit‐Jean‐Genaz, C., Regierand, J. P. M. and Laclare, J. L. pp.656–658. Geneva: European Physical Society. URL http://accelconf.web.cern.cn/AccelConf/e02/PAPERS/TUPRI020.pdf