1. A conceptual framework for characterizing mineralized waste rocks as future resource
2. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. 2016. Toxicological profile for hydrogen sulfide/carbonyl sulfide. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service. Accessed August 14,2023. https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp114.pdf.
3. Alberta Energy Regulator. 2022a. Directive 085 - Fluid tailings management for oil sands mining projects. Accessed August 2 2023. https://static.aer.ca/prd/documents/directives/Directive085.pdf.
4. Alberta Energy Regulator. 2022b. State of Fluid Tailings management for mineable oil sands 2021. Accessed August 2 2023. https://static.aer.ca/prd/documents/reports/State-Fluid-Tailings-Management-Mineable-OilSands.pdf.
5. Alberta Energy Regulator. 2023. Directive 051: Injection and Disposal Wells. Accessed August 9 2023. https://static.aer.ca/prd/documents/directives/Directive051.pdf.