1. ICH expert working group. ICH Topic E6 Guideline for Good Clinical Practice, ICH Harmonised Tripartite guideline (CPMP/ICH 135/95), EMEA status as of June (1996). http://www. emea.eu.int/
2. OECD principles of good laboratory practice in Annex II of the decision of the council concerning the mutual acceptance of data in the assessment of chemicals. (C(81)30 (final)). http://www. oecd.org/env/glp
3. UNDP/Worldbank/WHO. Good Laboratory Practice: Quality practices for regulated non-clinical research, http://www.who/int/tdr/publications/publications/
4. Stiles , T.
Grant , V and
Mawby , N. Good Clinical Laboratory Practice: A quality system for laboratories that undertake the analyses of samples from clinical trials, http://www.barqa.com/
5. Revised guidelines on ethics in medical research: General principles. MRC (2001). http:// sahealthinfo.org/ethicB/index