1. NRO 110P/105 Northamptonshire Record Office: minute book of [Earls Barton] Tower Restoration Committee 1883–86
2. NRO 110P/115 Northamptonshire Record Office: accounts for restoration (1883–86) and correspondence between the Committee for the restoration of the [Earls Barton] tower and the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
3. NRO G.C.P.S. Book 10, 24 Northamptonshire Record Office: pencil sketch [of Earls Barton church] by G. Clark, August 1829
4. NRO NAS Library 182 Northamptonshire Record Office: drawing [of Earls Barton church] made for the Anastatic Drawing Society in 1860
5. NRO NAS 42/2 Northamptonshire Record Office: photograph [of Earls Barton tower], from south-west, 1895