1. František Kysela-Sauer, Naše luza, jesuité a diplomaté (Our Mob, the Jesuits, and the Diplomats) (Prague, 1923).
2. “Oslava Husova proti Husovi,” (Hus festival against Hus) Právo lidu, (Right of the people) 6 July 1903).
3. “Husovy slavnost” (Hus Festival) Ženský obzor, (Women's horizan) Vols 3–4, Nos 2–3, 6 July 1903, p. 41.
4. I would like to thank Hugh Agnew, Nancy Wingfield, and Claire Nolte for their helpful ideas about these contrasting images.
5. Garver, Young Czech Party, p. 71. Garver mentions that Young Czechs and Sokols frequently evoked Žižka memory at the open-air demonstrations for states rights of the 1860s and 1870s.