1. Anon. Kommissionen med Danmark angående fiskeriförhållandena i det till Sverige och Danmark gränsande farvattnen. Stockholm, 31 December 1932 [The commission with Denmark concerning the fishery conditions in waters bordering Sweden and Denmark, Stockholm, 31 December 1932]
2. Anon. 1992. Manual for International Bottom Trawl Surveys, Revision IV. ICES CM 1992/H:3/Addendum
3. Anon. 2003. Swedish national report on eutrophication status in the Kattegat and the Skagerrak. Ospar Assessment 2002. SMHI Report Oceanography 31
4. Anon. 2007. Available atwww.ices.dkReport of the Baltic Fisheries Assessment Working Group. ICES WGBFAS (accessed December 31, 2009)