1. ALESSI , D. BRILL , M. , associates . 1978 , Home safety guidelines for architects and builders . NBS-GCR 78–156 , National Bureau of Standards , Washington , D.C .
2. Guidelines for stair safety
3. ARMSTRONG , T. CHAFFIN , D. B. MIODONSKI , R. STOBBE , T. , and BOYDSTUW , L. , 1978 , An ergonomic basis for recommendations pertaining to specific sections of OSHA standard , 29 CFR part 1910, subpart D-walking and working surfaces. U.S. Department of Labor , Occupational Safety & Health Administration , Washington , D.C .
4. BARKOW , B. , 1984 , Personal and building factors in stair safety accident reduction methods in homes, at work, and in public places . Behavioural Team , Toronto . ( Report being prepared for the Government of Canada .)
5. BARKOW , B. SCALZITTI , B. , and PIIPPONEN , V. , 1983 , A building use study of Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto . Report prepared for the Division of Building Research , National Research Council of Canada , Ottawa .