1. Is Robin Hood the “Prince of Thieves”1 or a Pathway to Equity?
2. In the Year 2020: Envisioning the Possibilities for Educational Psychology
3. American Psychological Association (APA). (2021a). Apology to people of color for APA’s role in promoting, perpetuating, and failing to challenge racism, racial discrimination, and human hierarchy in U.S. https://www.apa.org/about/policy/racism-apology
4. APA. (2021b). Historical Chronology: Examining psychology’s contributions to the belief in racial hierarchy and perpetuation of inequality for people of color in U.S. https://www.apa.org/about/apa/addressing-racism/historical-chronology
5. Arizona HB 2281 (2010). https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/49leg/2r/summary/h.hb2281_05-03-10_astransmittedtogovernor.doc.htm#:∼:text=HB%202281%20prohibits%20a%20school,race%20or%20class%20of%20people