1. Aalto, P., Paatero, P., Kulmala, M., Hämeri, K., Forastiere, F., Cattani, G., Marconi, A., Cyrys, J., Von Klot, S., Zetzsche, K., Peters, A., Bouso, L., Castaño, G., Palacio, J. A., Sunyer, J., Lanki, T., Pekkanen, J., Sjöval, B., Berglind, N., Bellander, T. and Nyberg, F. Aerosol number concentration measurements in five European cities during HEAPSS. Strategies for Clean Air and Health. November. Poster presented at the 2nd AIRNET Annual Conference/NERAM International Colloquium,
2. Aarnio, P., Kousa, A., Yli-Tuomi, T., Jantunen, M., Koskentalo, T. and Hillamo, R. Composition of and exposure to PM2.5while commuting in the metro and on the street. Strategies for Clean Air and Health. November. Poster presented at the 2nd AIRNET Annual Conference/NERAM International Colloquium,
3. Long-Term Inhalable Particles and Other Air Pollutants Related to Mortality in Nonsmokers
4. Bayer-Oglesby, L., Ackermann-Liebrich, U., Downs, S., Kuna-Dibbert, B., Probst, N., Felber Dietrich, D., Staedele-Kessler, P., Schindler, C., Leuenberger, P. and SAPALDIA Team. SAPALDIA 2—Swiss cohort study on air pollution and lung diseases in adults. Strategies for Clean Air and Health. November. Poster presented at the 2nd AIRNET Annual Conference/NERAM International Colloquium,
5. Bedeschi, E., Campari, C., Candela, S., Caranci, N., Frasca, G., Collini, G., Galassi, C. and Vigotti, M. A. Urban air pollution and respiratory emergency visits at Paediatric Unit, Reggio Emilia, Italy. Preliminary results. Strategies for Clean Air and Health. November. Poster presented at the 2nd AIRNET Annual Conference/NERAM International Colloquium,