1. 1892 Homestead Strike. Accessed January 7 2024. https://aflcio.org/about/history/labor-history-events/1892-homestead-strike.
2. Alexander, J. Heywood., ed. “Yankee Doodle Rides into Town.” In To Stretch Our Ears: A Documentary History of America’s Music, 49–52. New York: Norton, 2002.
3. Alliance and Labor Songster: A Collection of Labor and Comic Songs, for the use of Alliances, Grange Debating Clubs and Political Gatherings. Alliance Songster. Songs for the toiler. Winfield, KS: H&L Vincent.
4. “Anonymous Broadside Tentatively Dated 1830s.” Accessed January 7 2024. https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/search/object/nmah_1445159.
5. Marriage, Morals, and Politics in the Election of 1828