1. Taylor , E.G.R. 1954.The Mathematical Practitioners of Tudor & Stuart England112–112. Cambridge
2. Baily , Francis . 1835.An Account of the Revd. John Flamsteedxxx–xxx. London reprinted 1966 W. H. McCrea,The Royal Greenwich Observatory(London, 1975), p. 7.
3. Forbes , Eric G. 1975.Greenwich Observatory,I, Origins and Early History (1675–1835)ix–ix. London
4. In letter of 26 October 1700 to Dr T. Smith, Curator of the Cottonian Library BailyAn Account of the Revd. John FlamsteedLondon 1835 746 746 compare letter of 21 October 1704 to A. Sharp complaining that Royal Society members ‘understand little but vegetables’, p. 218.