1. Chemistry, Physics, and the Chemical Revolution
2. On Kant, in the Gesammelte Schriften Berlin 1911 IV 470 471 quoted in Frederick Gregory, ‘Romantic Kantianism and the End of the Newtonian Dream in Chemistry,’ Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, 34 (1984), 108–23 (pp. 109, 113); and William Paley, Natural Theology, revised American edition (New York, 1854), p. 48. I am indebted to Kwangtai Hsu for this reference.
3. The chemical molecule may be defined as the smallest unit of a unique substance to enter into a chemical reaction or exist independently as a stable entity. The physical molecule is an indivisible unit characterized by mass and motion. For example, see
Rocke Alan J. Chemical Atomism in the Nineteenth Century: From Dalton to Cannizzaro Columbus, Ohio 1984 10 13 293–5