1. Nelson, S. O. and Stetson, L. E. “Frequency and moisture dependence of the dielectric properties of hard red winter wheat.” J. Agr. Eng. Res.21, pp. 181–192, 1976.
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3. Nelson, S. O. “Dielectric properties of grain and seed in the 1 to 50-MC range.” Trans. ASAE,8(1), pp. 38–48, 1965.
4. United States Department of Agriculture, Production and Marketing Administration, “The test weight per bushel of grain: Methods of use and calibration of the apparatus.” Circular No. 921. 11 pp. (1953).
5. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Grain Division, “Grain inspection manual covering the sampling, inspection, grading, and certification of grain under the United States Grain Standards Act as amended.” 918 (GR-6), Revised February 1977.