1. Andersson, B. 1993. The influence of broad-leaved trees on survival, height, and diameter of small Scots pine (Pinus sylvestrisL.) trees. Dept of Silviculture, Swed. Univ. Agric. Sci., Reports 36, 36 pp. ISSN 0348-8968. (In Swedish with English summary.)
2. Björkdahl, G. 1983. Höjdutveckling hos stubbskott av vårt- och glasbjörk samt tall och gran efter mekanisk röjning. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skogsproduktion, Stencil 18, 54 pp. (In Swedish.)
3. Cajander, A. K. 1909. Über Waldtypen. Acta Forestalia Fennica 1, 175 pp. (In German.)
4. Hägg, A. 1989. The influence of birch upon the branch diameter and the self pruning of pine trees in mixed stands. Dept of Forest Products, Swed. Univ. of Agric. Sci., Reports 208, 35 pp. ISSN 0348-4599. (In Swedish with English abstract.)