1. Yoon, H., Theodore, F. W., Burke, F. P., Koch, B. J. and Corder, W. C. 1986. Low Capital Cost, Retrofit SO2Control Technologies for High Sulfur Coal Applications. Presented at the 79th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the Air Pollution Control Association. June1986, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
2. Statnick, R. M., Burke, F. P., Koch, B. J., McCoy, D. C. and Yoon, H. 1987. Status of Flue Gas Sorbent Injection Technologies. Presented at the 4th Annual Pittsburgh Coal Conference. September1987.
3. Forsythe, R. C. 1985. Hydrate Addition at Low Temperature: SO2Removal in Conjunction with a Baghouse. Presented at the Second Pittsburgh Coal Conference. September1985.
4. McElroy, M. 1985. Status of Dry Sorbent Injection SO2Control. Proceedings, Coal Technology Conference. 1985, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
5. Hooper, R. G., Bland, V., Pohl, F. G., McElroy, M. and Rhundy, R. 1985. Pilot Evaluation of Combined Particulate and SO2Removal Using a Fabric Filter System. Presented at the Ninth Symposium on Flue Gas Desulfurization. June1985, Cincinnati, Ohio.