1. Mehra, V. A Low‐Pressure Cold‐Relining Table. Unpublished paper presented at Conference on Comparative Lining Techniques. London. National Maritime Museum. unpaginated notes to delegates
2. Yashkina, L. Relining of Easel Paintings with Sturgeon Glue. Unpublished paper presented at Conference on Comparative Lining Techniques. London. National Maritime Museum. unpaginated notes to delegates
3. Albano, A. Critical Nap‐Bond Temperature Monitoring: Synthetic Fabric and Adhesive Application in the Lining of a Klee and Leger. Unpublished paper presented to AIC Paintings Speciality Group 1982. Milwaukee.
4. Zuccari, F. BEVA 371 Drop Lining. Unpublished paper given at the Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation Refresher Course on Recent Developments in Lining. Williamstown.
5. Chittenden, R, Lewis, G and Percival‐Prescott, W. Pre‐stretched Low‐Pressure Lining Methods. Unpublished paper presented at Conference on Comparative Lining Techniques. London. National Maritime Museum. unpaginated notes to delegates