1. Mehra, V. R. Cold‐lining and the Care of the Paint Layer in a Triple‐Stretcher System. Also answers to some questions and doubts about the Cold‐lining System, ICOM Conference. Committee for the Care of Paintings. Zagreb. Jugoslavia‐ICOM.
2. Mehra, V. R. Comparative Study of Conventional Relining Methods and Materials, and Research Toward their Improvement, Interim Report, ICOM Conference. Committee for the Care of Paintings. Spain: Madrid. ICOM
3. Mehra, V. R. 1974. A Low‐pressure Cold‐lining Table. Conference on Comparative Lining Techniques. April1974. Greenwich, England: National Maritime Museum.
4. Mehra, V. R. 1975. “Nap‐bond Cold‐lining on a Low‐pressure Table, Maltechnik Restauro”. Munich: G. Callwey.
5. Mehra, V. R. 1975. Further Developments in Cold‐lining (Nap‐bond system), ICOM Conference. Committee for the Care of Paintings. 1975, Venice, Italy.