1. Higman , B. W. 1977.Slave Population and Economy in Jamaica, 1807–1834, viii+ 327Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. £14
2. Green , William A. 1976.British Slave Emancipation: The Sugar Colonies and the Great Experiment, 1830–1865, xiii + 449Oxford: Clarendon Press. £12.50.
3. Campbell , Mavis Christine . 1976.The Dynamics of Change in a Slave Society: A Sociopolitical History of the Free Coloreds of Jamaica, 1800–1865, 393Rutherford, Madison, Teaneck, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. £9.
4. Craton , Michael , Walvin , James and Wright , David , eds. 1976.Slavery, Abolition and Emancipation: Black Slaves and the British Empire, xvii + 347London and New York: Longman. £4.50