1. Dismantling a Master Narrative:Using Culturally Responsive Pedagogy to Teach the History of Art Education
2. Brasher, J. (2021, January 14). Op-ed: Why it wasn’t surprising to see Capitol rioters waving the Confederate flag. Chicago Tribune. https://www.chicagotribune.com/opinion/commentary/ct-opinion-confederate-flag-white-supremacy-capitol-20210114-qe5gctajrneuhijjlze6n7fxr4-story.html
3. Brown, J. (2021, January 18). Rule of law and big feelings: How local teachers talked about the insurrection with students. The Register-Guard. https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/2021/01/18/how-teachers-kindergarten-high-school-taught-insurrection/4152743001