1. Alem, N M, Nusholtz, G S and Melvin, J W. Head and Neck Response to Axial Impact. 28th Stapp Car Crash Conference, Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE 841667. Warrendale, PA.
2. Bahling, G S, Bundorf, R T, Kaspzyk, G S, Moffatt, E A, Orlowski, K F and Stocke, J E. Rollovers and Drop Tests—The Influence of Roof Strength on Injury Mechanics Using Belted Dummies. SAE 902314, 34th Stapp Car Crash Conference, Society of Automotive Engineers. Warrendale, PA. pp.101–112.
3. The Hybrid III Anthropometric Neck in the Evaluation of Head First Collisions
4. CFIR Submission #2 to NPRM Roof Crush Docket 2005-22143, Subject: Injury Criteria for the Dynamic Evaluation of Rollover Occupant Protection, November 21, 2005