1. A wide review on the subject may be found inJ. opt. Soc. Am.B1987 4 5 for the problems of interest here, see alsoLambropoulos, P., 1985,Phys. Rev. Lett.,55,2141;L'Huillier, A.Jönsson, L., andWendin, G., 1986,Phys. Rev.A,33,3938;Reiss, H. R., 1987,J. Phys.B,20,L79;Chen, B.Faisal, F. H. M.Jetzke, S.Lutz, H. O., andScanzano, P., 1987,Phys. Rev.A,36,4091;Shakeshaft, R., andTang, X., 1987,Phys. Rev.A,36,3193;Perry, M. D.Szoke, A.Landen, O. L., andCampbell, E. M., 1988,Phys. Rev. Lett.,60,1270;Burnett, K.J. Phys.B,21,3083.
2. Asymmetric angular distributions in multiphoton ionisation of helium by elliptically polarised light
3. Faisal, F.H.M. 1987.Theory of Multiphoton Processes, 103–103. New York: Plenum Press.
4. Role of the initial-state configuration in multiphoton ionisation of helium