1. ACI-Committee-440, 2007,440R-07 Report on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, American Concrete Institute.
2. Adams, R. D. 2005,Adhesive bonding: science, technology and applications, CRC Press, Woodhead Publishing, Boca Raton, Fla, Cambridge.
3. ASTM, 2004a, “D 3528-96 (Reapproved 2002) Standard Test Method for: Strength Properties of Double Lap Shear Adhesive Joints by Tension Loading”,Annual Book of ASTM Standards, West Conshohocken, USA.
4. ASTM, 2004b, “D 5868-01 Standard Test Method for Lap Shear Adhesion for fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Bonding”,Annual Book of ASTM Standards, West Conshohocken/USA.
5. BASF, 2004, “Technical Data Sheet for MBrace Saturant”, BASF Construction Chemicals Australia Pty Ltd.