1. Standards Association of Australia. Minimum design loads on structures : Part 4: Earthquake Loads – AS1170.4 and Commentary, 1993 .
2. International Conference of Building Officials, Whittier, California, USA. Uniform Building Code, 1991.
3. Koo R, Brown A, Lam NTK, Wilson JL and Gibson G. A Full Range Response Spectrum Model for Rock Sites in The Melbourne Metropolitan Area. Proceedings of the AEES Seminar 2000; Tasmania: paper no.16.
4. Lam NTK, Wilson JL. The Component Attenuation Model for Low and Moderate Seismic Regions, Procs. of the 2003 Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2003, Christchurch, New Zealand; Oral presentation 6.3.1: paper no.99.
5. Lam NTK, Sinadinovski C, Koo RCK & Wilson JL. Peak Ground Velocity Modelling for Australian Intraplate Earthquakes. paper accepted for publication in International Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering.