1. The ethical, social and environmental reporting‐performance portrayal gap
2. Conceptualising the contemporary corporate value creation process
3. Adams, C. A. 2020. “A Response to the WEF and Big 4.” Accessed September 30, 2020. https://drcaroladams.net/a-response-to-the-wef-and-big-4/.
4. Adams, C. A. , with
P. B. Druckman and
R. C. Picot . 2020. Sustainable Development Goal Disclosure (SDGD) Recommendations, published by ACCA, Chartered Accountants ANZ, ICAS, IFAC, IIRC and WBA. ISBN: 978-1-909883-62-8. Accessed September 30, 2020. https://www.ifac.org/knowledge-gateway/contributing-global-economy/publications/sustainable-development-goals-disclosure-sdgd-recommendations.