1. Abu-Sada, Caroline, and Challand, Benoit, eds. 2011. Le développement, une affaire d'ONG? Associations, États et bailleurs dans le monde arabe. [Is development a matter for NGOs? Associations, states and donors in the Arab world]. Paris: Karthala Editions.
2. Aliaga Lola and O'Farrell Kloé Tricot. 2017. Counter-terror in Tunisia: A Road Paved with Good Intentions? Saferworld. https://www.saferworld-global.org/long-reads/counter-terror-in-tunisia-a-road-paved-with-good-intentions.
3. Governing Through Patronage: The Rise of NGOs and the Fall of Civil Society in Palestine and Morocco
4. Localisation Across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus
5. Implementing the Humanitarian‐development‐peace nexus in a post‐pandemic world: Multilateral cooperation and the challenge of inter‐organisational dialogue