1. African Post Harvest Losses Information System. Estimated Post Harvest Losses (%) 2003–2011.http://www.aphlis.net/index.php?form=losses_estimates(accessed February 10, 2012).
2. Gustavsson , J. ; Cederberg , C. ; Sonesson , U. ; van Otterdijk , R. ; Meybeck , A.Global Food Losses and Food Waste: Extent, Causes and Prevention; Food and Agriculture Organization: Rome, 2011.http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ags/publications/GFL_web.pdf(accessed February 10, 2012).
3. Energy efficiency in drying
4. Overview of new techniques for drying biological materials with emphasis on energy aspects
5. Microwave drying of fruits and vegetables