1. The Prime Minister's Strategy Unit. Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy for England . London: Cabinet Office; 2004. Available at: http://www.strategy.gov.uk/downloads/su/alcohol/pdf/CabOffice%20AlcoholHar.pdf. AccessedJune21, 2005.
2. The Prime Minister's Strategy Unit. Alcohol Project: Interim Analytical Report . London: Cabinet Office; 2003. Available at: http://www.strategy.gov.uk/downloads/files/SU%20interim_report2.pdf. AccessedJune21, 2005.
3. Drs.Carson and Maclay. Correspondence. Ministry of Health 58.666.London: Public Record Office; 1958.
4. Ministry of Health. The Hospital Treatment of Alcoholism . Memorandum HM (62)43.London: Ministry of Health; 1962.
5. GlattM. Correspondence. Lancet . 1961;1:112–113.[CSA]