1. New Approaches to Global Labor History
2. McGrath-Champ, Susan, Andrew Herod, and Al Rainnie, eds.Handbook of Employment and Society: Working Space. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010
3. Scorsone, Eric, and David Zin. ‘The Michigan Economy and State Revenue: A Ten Year History’. Issue Paper – Papers examining Critical Issues Facing the Michigan Legislature, April 2010, Senate Fiscal Agency, Lansing, MI.www.senate.michigan.gov/sfa/Publications/Issues/StateRevenueTenYears/StateRevenueTenYears.pdf(accessed July 2, 2012)
4. Stenning, Alison. ‘Work, Place and Community in Socialism and Postsocialism’. InHandbook of Employment and Society: Working Space, ed. Susan McGrath-Champ, Andrew Herod, and Al Rainnie, 197–212. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010